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What Are You Waiting For?

Today is the day to ask a hard question…

I figured getting through the hard stuff right off the bat could be a good thing… I’m the kind of person who likes to talk straight… I’m honest and reflective. I don’t like untruths, but more than that, I don’t like the lies we tell ourselves that create a limiting belief; in ourselves and in our futures.

Are you waiting for a magical moment that you think would somehow make life finally start for you?

For many of us, we are waiting for something or someone, and I’ve heard it time and time again….

When I have more money then…

When I have more time then…

When the kids are grown up then…

When my home is paid off then…

When I lose some weight then…

When I’m married and have my life together then…

For me it was waiting for a title, or waiting for people to like me, or waiting for God to do whatever it was that I was hoping and praying He’d do for me.

There are so many more that I can think of, that I’ve used myself that have stopped me from getting started on my journey to where I wanted to be. In case you’re wondering, I’m not there yet… and I don’t really believe we ever truly “arrive”…

The truth is ~ none of these reasons that we use to delay starting our endeavours (aka growing as a person) will ever make them happen any quicker, or at all for that matter. Our hopes and dreams won’t happen without effort. They are not magical things that just happen and allow our lives, our dreams, our hopes to come true.

Yes, even when it comes to things we pray for.

A lot of the time, God is just waiting for you to take the first step forward, to rely and lean on Him, to trust and jump! (James 2:18/Ezra 10:4)

The truth is ~ waiting for these things to magically happen is actually our choice to not do anything. By not taking action we are choosing to allow life to happen to us instead or being proactive and working towards all those goals we have set for ourselves ~ all our hopes and dreams.

  • If you want to lose weight - you have to eat right and burn more calories that you consume ~ and please don’t misunderstand me that’s not an easy road. One that will be a life long endeavour … but it can be done ❤️

  • If you want to have more time - you have to organize your life, and realize what you’re presently spending time doing that is actually helping you achieve your goals , and remove that which aren’t.

  • If you want to pay off your mortgage earlier, or travel more or spend more time with the people you love - you have to spend less time on things that aren’t necessary and find ways to make more money without taking time away from what’s important to you.

So what’s stopping you?

One thing that I have realized in my life and in leading a team of women who want to see a change in their lives is that the line from want and do can be a very long line - made with unexpected zigzags, loops and turns. Some are created by the environment we find ourselves in but there are a lot of things that we allow to creep into our minds that block us, distract us and even deter us from what we truly want…

For me, when I started my photography business I started from scratch! It was scary. I remember when my husband Jeremiah bought me my first camera as a gift. I didn’t know I’d love it as much as I did! I didn’t know that I would take to it so quickly and how much I wanted to invest into this creative side of my life… It was a huge investment (and still is) ~ equipment, training, time, learning software, studio, working with people, travel, figuring it all out on my own.. I could have easily thought how in the world am I ever going to be successful… and I did think that. It was hard… there were quite a few nay sayers disguised as caring, loving people who didn’t want to see me hurt.

When I started teaching voice and piano, I thought how in the heck will I find students? How will this work? Will I be a good teacher? Can I do this? How can I start a music school? How will people find us? Will I even like doing it?

So many questions!!!

When I started my Rodan+Fields franchise I thought, I don’t want to be one of “those” girls (whatever that meant). Who will buy from me? Do I even know enough people? Do I have the time for this? What will people think? What if I fail? What if I succeed?

The truth is ~ all that doesn’t matter. All the questions, all the doubts, all the fears, all the details and even everyone’s opinions! Your life can look any way you want it to if you’re willing to put in the work. All these endeavours did more than just earn paycheques for me, I’ve grown and become a stronger person because I was willing to try, be teachable and do my best! That is what I’ve learned. It’s up to you. No excuses allowed here. What matters most is YOUR willingness to work through the insecurities, lay aside the excuses, ignore the nay sayers (the mean ones and the loving ones)

It’s time to pull up our shirt sleeves and get to work.

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